Diff'rent Strokes is throwing an open discussion about men's body image and the media.
While the role of advertising in relation to women's body image and self-esteem is grounds stomped before, Jade and Dave wants to know how men of all walks of life are affected by images of hunky male models and gym Adonises.

How does the proliferation of toned, chiselled male models in the gay press circuit make you feel about your own body?
Is it a symbol of health and fitness?

Does it spur you to wanna get fit or pressure you to wanna fit in those speedos?
Men! Gay, straight, bi, curious - of all shapes, sizes, colour and age... We wanna hear from you.
Comment here on the blog or if you're a fan on Diff'rent Strokes Facebook page: join our discussion!
Diff'rent Strokes: Men & Body Image is a forthcoming feature on Rainbow Roadtest.
This Wed 22 October 2008 on the show.
Tune in to JOY 94.9FM 10-11pm
It makes me want to get fit. I want to look like that. I want to be coveted and looked at much like I want to look at myself like I look at him. I want to be able to run from one town to the next in the zombie apocalypse. I want to fit in those speedos... and honestly to wear them on the beach when outside of my home town. I want it all and pictures like this remind me why. Here's my break down.
Health is 45% of my motivation. Sexual attractiveness 35% followed by vanity at 20%
Well, most depressing. Those pictures I mean. I'd love to look like that, but well... I know I never will. I'm too much addicted to my precious food ;) Eating just makes happy, how could one restrain her/himself at that? Now, don't get the wrong idea from my comment, I'm not fat at all. Just average... but my affection for good food combined with a great laziness in doing sports or work-outs will always keep me prisoner of my current physical shape. Shit happens.
It makes me want to look like that, and unashamedly to be sexually attractive. I have girl-friends (of the friend type) who'll comment on some guy who walks past with a body like that and I think 'I would like to be spoken about in that way by women.' In reply to Anonymous, I actually am a similar sort of build to the model in the picture, and have always been. I guess some people don't have to try too much, its just a genetic thing. That said, I could do with a lot more toning as I've only recently began working out.
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