Gurl, what's that you got holding your hair back? Oh scrunchies. Dave steps back in time this week to reminisce on the fabulous and ever so daggy 80s hair accessories. You'll never believe the run-in he's had with them.

Jade checks out the brilliant indie pop debut by The Drums. Their self-titled debut charted as high at #16 in the UK and #52 in Australia. Perhaps a Diff'rent Strokes bump is on the way.

Dave gives Jade the low down on The Good Wife. This American legal dramedy stars Julianna Margulies - from the ER fame - as Alicia Florrick, the wife of a scandalised politician, and the challenges she face with juggling her work and private life.
Diff'rent Strokes with Jade and Dave
Wednesdays 8-9pm on JOY 94.9
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