Wednesday, March 24, 2010

How To Talk Ghetto, Babysitters Club and She & Him

This week on Diff'rent Strokes...


Dave talks 'ghetto'.

Inspired by the sassy African American characters he's seen on TV and heard on fierce R&B tracks - Dave is determined to learn the hood lexicon and work words like 'triflin' and 'hustla' into his vocabulary.

An educational and potentially awkward cultural experience guaranteed.


What's Diff'rent Strokes without the geeky and, occasionally, daggy moments? Tonight Jade takes a flashback into the world of Babysitters Club. Hands up if you've read it. Hands up if you've got the series... (bless you for coming out in public!)


Jade will be reviewing She & Him's new album tonight.

The American folk duo of actress Zooey Deschanel and guitarist/songwriter Matt Ward returns with their second album imaginatively titled: Volume Two.

Hear our thoughts on the show that imaginatively combines geek and camp, grit and glitter etc...

Diff'rent Strokes with Jade and Dave
Wednesdays 8pm-9pm on JOY 94.9
Email us:
SMS the studio: 0427 JOY 949

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